A new research has confirmed that late night shifts in a week can lead to miscarriage in pregnant ladies.
To confirm the data, the researchers have conducted experiments on 22,774 pregnant women working in public services in Denmark. The established data was crosschecked with the data collected from pre-existing research conducted about the same topic.
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According to the study, after week eight of pregnancy, women who had worked two or more night shifts the previous week had a 32% higher risk of miscarriage compared with women who had not worked any night shifts that week. And the risk of miscarriage increased with the number of night shifts worked per week and also by numbers of consecutive night shifts.
The association between night work and the risk of miscarriages was stronger after pregnancy in week 8. ‘This may be explained by the decline in the proportion of chromosomally abnormal foetuses with gestational age, which makes an association with environmental exposure more easily detectable among later miscarriages,’ the authors say.
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