Health Benefits of Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

The  Eagle pose or Garudasana is a standing  yoga posture. The posture involves bending, twisting, and tugging.

Step-by-step guide to practice:

Step 1: There are two prevalent methods of beginning the eagle pose. You can either initiate with the mountain pose (tadasana), keeping your feet slightly apart and parallel, while softly bending the knees. Another way is to do it by being in the chair pose (Utkatasana) with a seated, knee-bent posture. While holding the pose, make sure that you don’t put unnecessary strain on either knee.

Step 2: Once you have decided about the launching method, begin by spreading your arms and in a swing bring them into an intersection by wrapping the left arm over the right. As your elbows and forearms are crossed, join the palms together maintaining the shoulders level for elbows.

Step 3: For the lower body, firmly ground your feet and press the pelvis down while ensuring that the thighs are rotated inwards, keeping a softer groin.

Step 4: Curl the tailbone forward, and tip-toe on your right foot by putting all the weight on the left foot. Lift the right leg and wrap the thigh over the left leg, with the knee facing forward.

Step 5: You need to curl and snug the right foot, tightly behind the left calf.

Step 6: Maintain the steadiness and balance of the pose, and try to stay there for five breaths. After unlocking the asana, you can repeat it for the other side.

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Benefits of Practicing Eagle Pose:

1. Body Detoxification: Practicing this standing position detoxify body. The twisting and molding of the body helps in squeezing and massaging the internal organs, flushing out your kidneys, and promoting better blood circulation to the reproductive system.

2. Strengthens the Leg Muscles: The wrapping and tucking of the legs strengthen and stretch the muscles, making them more flexible. It also provides strength and agility to the feet, calf muscles, ankles, and thighs .

3. Improves Balance And Coordination: As your elbows and hips are in flexion, the engaged muscles are contracted. This efficiently allows for enhanced balance, coordination, and flexibility in your body.

4. Removes Stiffness And Pain: A lot of areas and muscles in the body, including the shoulders are intensely stretched through the twisting eagle pose. This opens the joints and loosens them to remove stiffness and relieve pain .

5. Good for the Back: The cervical spine, thoracic spine, and Lumbar spine are all extended and well-stretched in this pose. Therefore this pose is considered good for your back, as it strengthens and aligns it .
