Yoga is one remedy that cures stress instantly and gives you relief from the mental baggage you carry. Yoga can be a powerful tool to help reduce anxiety and stress.
Try these five simple yoga poses:
Cat-cow pose: The cat-cow pose is an easy fix for mental stress and anxiety. It can be done in three simple steps: sit facing the mat with your knees on the ground and hips in the air and hands beside your shoulders. Now move your gaze towards the ceiling and let your stomach lose towards the mat. This is the cow pose. For the cat pose stare towards the mat and bend your spine towards the ceiling.
Child’s pose: Sit on your hips with your knees touching the ground, Now move forward till your forehead touches the mat and your hands are beside your face. The child’s pose allows you to energize yourself and obtain a better focus as it connects your breath to your movements.
Easy pose: The easy pose or better known as the Sukhasana is the most uncomplicated and therapeutic pose. Just sit cross-legged on the ground and breathe in and out with your eyes closed.
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Bridge pose: It helps calm the brain and central nervous system, promotes relaxation alleviates stress. Lie on the mat on your back with your hands next to your shoulders and feet flat. With a push of your hand thrust your hips in the air and hold the position for as long as you can.
Corpse pose: Commonly called the Savasana is generally the last asana. It requires you to just lie on your back with your hands on either side and breathe with your eyes closed. The Savasana helps you put your mind off of your worries and relieves you of the tension your shoulders carry. It also helps cure insomnia.
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