Yoga- though it may look easy, it is actually not. You need to keep calm and stay still—something that some people cannot do.
Particularly children.
A school in Denver, Colorado, is trying out a new method of punishing kids for misdemeanors, teaching Yoga!
Instead of the detention and occasional whacks in India that the students are used to, Doull Elementary are dedicating every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, time slots reserved for detention, to yoga classes.
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This new ‘punishment’ system will teach kids to deal with strong emotions such as anger and help them in their future as well.
“What’s more important? Punishing kids for a mistake they made or teaching them some skills that they can actually use in life to not make the same mistakes again?” asks school psychologist Carly Graeber. “Math and reading and science and social studies are all so important to us here, but also we’re really in the business of teaching kids social and emotional skills that they can use for their lives, so how to solve problems, how to deal with complicated feelings, and things like that,” she told a lifestyle media brand.
Yoga, with its origin tracing back to India, has long been known to enhance a person’s flexibility, allow for better control of the breath and is backed by research to ease symptoms of ADHD and boost performance in school.
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