Good sleep is important for overall health. Good sleep reduce risk of developing certain chronic illnesses. It also keep brain healthy and boost immune system.
As per experts, an individual must sleep 7 to 9 hours a day. There are many tips to follow to get good sleep, including making changes to diet.
Here are some of the best food:
1.Almonds- Almonds are a rich source of melatonin which is a major sleep hormone that regulates your internal body clock and signals body to prepare for sleep. Consuming almonds on a regular basis has been shown to improve sleep quality levels. Apart from melatonin, almonds are also a storehouse of Magnesium which is again helpful in improving sleep quality.
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2.Milk- Milk contains tryptophan, calcium, Vitamin D, and melatonin. All these help in better sleep regulation. Tryptophan found in milk interacts with certain brain chemicals that are responsible for maintaining the biological clock for sleep and waking up.
3.Chamomile tea- Chamomile tea is made from dried chamomile flowers. Chamomile consists of a plant flavonoid called apigenin that stimulates the brain for an improved quality of sleep.
4.Walnuts- Walnuts contain tryptophan which is an amino acid that helps in the production of serotonin and melatonin, both of which are responsible to induce sound sleep.
5.Lettuce- Lettuce contains a compound called lactur carium which is also referred to as ‘lettuce opium’ and it promotes sleep by naturally sedating the nervous system.
6.Fatty fish- Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel, are incredibly healthy. What makes them unique is their exceptional amounts of vitamin D. In a study, men who ate 10.5 ounces (300 grams) of Atlantic salmon three times a week for 6 months fell asleep about 10 minutes faster than men who ate chicken, beef, or pork. This effect was thought to be the result of vitamin D.
7.White rice- Eating white rice, at least 1 hour before bed may help improve sleep quality. One study compared the sleep habits of 1,848 people based on their intake of rice, bread, or noodles. Higher rice intake was associated with better sleep than bread or noodles, including longer sleep duration.
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