Sex is very beneficial for body and brain and yoga helps make sex life better. Yoga helps in relieving stress and also removes many other problems. Along with this, there are some Yogasanas that improve flexibility, increase blood flow and also keep you refreshed throughout the day, which is very important for your sex life.
Change the sex life with Vrksasana –
First, stand upright. Keep both your hands on the side of the body.
Then place your right foot on the thigh of the left foot and put all the weight on the left leg.
Keep the right leg straight and try to keep the pelvic area straight.
Now bring both hands in front of the chest and join hands as prayed.
Look at your eyes with a gaze so that your body can be balanced.
Stay in this state as much as possible.
Then slowly return to your old state.
Also Read: Know symptoms of hypersexuality
Do the same process from the other side as well.
This time, move your hands upright and the rest of the process will remain the same.
How it works- Any balanced state helps to keep you focused on one thing at a time. This helps to reduce sluggish life a little.
Make sex life fun with the help of Buddha Konasana – first sit down. Then mix the soles of the feet together and place your hands on the ankles.
Keep your knees on the ground and bend forward as much as you can.
Stay in this state for 10 to 15 minutes.
How it works – It keeps the area between the abdomen and thigh warm and opens the hips.
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