In Sanskrit ‘Shira’ means Head. So this asana is translated as headstand pose. Due to its maximum benefit for the follower, this posture called as, king of postures. Shirsasana relaxes blood flow to the lower extremities improving swelling and venous congestion, releases the adrenal glands and kidneys, allows the heart to relax in the pericardium, and increases blood flow to the head, neck, and face.
How to Do ‘Shirsasana’
1. Coming to your knees, make a triangle with your hands placing them flush with the wall.
Interlock your fingers together, palms open, and place your forearms down. Elbows should be the same distance as your shoulders. Keep this position with your arms no matter what.
2. Place the top of your head down on the yoga mat in between your hands.
Rock back and forth on the top of your head to get a feel for the position of your skull. Find the spot where the frontal and parietal sutures meet—it will feel flat and your neck will be in a neutral position.
3. Take some of the pressure off of your head and into your forearms, pulling your shoulders away from your ears.
Eventually, you will be balancing on the top of your head, but most of the weight should be in the forearms, supported by your shoulders.
Also Read: Lord Murugan’s Arupadai Veedu Temples’
4. Slowly straighten the legs, coming onto the toes.
Maybe this is as far as you go. If you feel comfortable here, begin to walk your straight legs closer to your face until you feel your abs catch. Your hips will be over your shoulders.
5. Push more of the weight into your forearms and shoulders, and use your strong core to lift the toes away from the mat.
Bend your knees, bringing your heels to your seat. The knees will still be in towards the chest. Once you have successfully obtained balance here, begin to straighten at the hips, bringing your knees towards the sky. Then straighten the legs. Hold for 10-15 breaths.
To come out of the pose, bend the knees first, then bend at the hips, slowly coming down to the mat. Stay in Balasana or Child’s Pose for 5 breaths before lifting the head.
Benefits of doing Shirsasana
1. The practice of Shirsasana directs an enriched oxygenated blood supply to the brain cells. So regular practising of shirsasana rejuvenates the entire brain.
2.Shirsasana is very good to increase memory, concentration, IQ.
3. Shirsasana activates thyroid glands, which helps to overcome from thyroid-related disorders like obesity, and weakness.
4. By regular practice of shirsasana, even one can control greying, falling of hairs.
5. Shirsasana found useful in treating sexual disorders like prostrate problems, hydrosol, and menstrual problems.
6. It found that the practice of shirsasana helpful to overcome from a migraine and headaches.
7. Shirsasana gives relaxation to the brain blood vessels, makes them strong. So to overcome from stress, mental tension it is very effective.
8. Shirsasana helps to improve the functions of sensory organs.
9. Shirsasana drains the accumulated blood from the lower part of the body like, legs and foot. By this, it helps to relief from varicose vein.
10. The organs of pelvis and abdomen were rejuvenated from shirsasana practice. Good, to improve digestion, elimination etc.
11. Good to get controlled mind for meditation.
12. The whole body-mind, getting benefit by shirsasana, so this posture is very good for getting and maintaining good health, due to its maximum benefit this posture called as King of postures.
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