To stretch out, even with a baby in your tummy. Here is a yoga pose to try out mothers.
For Tight Hips and Back Pain: Low Lunge Twist Pose
Parivrtta Sanchalasana or the Low Lunge Twist Pose
It’s a common misconception that pregnant women should avoid all twists. In reality, you need to skip the ones that compress your body against your knees.
So here is an open twist for pregnant women to try out.
READ ALSO: Yoga: to refresh and relax yourself
Start on all fours. Place left foot on the ground, so your knee is directly over your ankle, leg bent to 90 degrees. With palms firmly on the ground, flex and extend right foot back behind you, and come into a low lunge with a straight right leg. Shift weight to the right hand, and extend the left hand up to the ceiling, allowing your gaze to follow your hand. Repeat on the other side.
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