A strong, flexible spine plays a major role in your health. This assures that your skeletal system is well adjusted with the rest of the body. A good posture keeps the tension in your muscles and ligaments balanced and evenly distributed. This allows all your body parts to remain in their exact positions with minimal stress.
Yoga can help you correct any postural imbalances. Yoga works on the whole body, bringing alignment, and balance along with strength and flexibility to it.
The following yoga poses will help you to adjust the body and bring flexibility to the spine. Make it a habit to dedicate a minimum of 15- 30 minutes every morning to practice, and you’ll start to notice the positive changes in your body and consequently enjoy better posture, a straighter spine and healthier life.
1. Malasana (Waste Evacuation Pose)
– Stand straight with your arms by your sides
– Bend your knees, lower your pelvis and place it on top of your heels
– Keep your feet flat on the ground
– Put your palms on the floor beside your feet, bind them around your knee, or join them in front of your chest in a gesture of prayer
– The spine remains erect
2. Shalabasana (Locust Pose)
– Lie down flat on your stomach
– Stretch your hands out forward
– Take a deep breath (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh), and then lift your legs up together
– Lie on your stomach and lift your head and shoulders
– Keep your knees straight
– Keep the posture for 10 seconds, then slowly lower your legs and then exhale
3. Adomukhi Svanasana
– Drop your knees and palms to form a tabletop position
– Put your palms under your shoulders and your knees under your hips
– Lift your knees off the floor to form an inverted ‘V’ shape
– With hands placed shoulder-width apart, point your fingers ahead
– Focus on your big toes
4. Marjariasana
Urdhva Mukhi Marjari Asana
– Get down on your knees, place palms under shoulders and knees under hips
– Inhale, curve your spine to lookup
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Adho Mukhi Marjari Asana
– Exhale, curve your spine to form an arch of the back and allow your neck to drop down
– Focus your gaze on your chest
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