As per experts, food that we eat impact our mood and emotions. The relationship between food and mood is very complex. Food can be a real stress buster at times.
Here are 7 foods that will reduce anxiety:
Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds contains iron, magnesium and potassium in them. Iron is responsible for enzymes that break down tyrosine and tryptophan to produce dopamine and serotonin for good hormones. Magnesium and Potassium help reduce blood sugar and blood pressure which automatically reduce anxiety.
Dark Chocolates: Chocolate contains natural mood lifters. It increases dopamine and serotonin levels which makes us feel good. They also offer light caffeine and contain magnesium which reduces anxiety.
Green Tea: Green Tea is high in L-theanine, a type of amino acid that helps in reducing anxiety.
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Whole Wheat Bread: Whole wheat bread is a type of carbohydrate which increases the production of serotonin in brain.
Yogurt: Yogurt is considered a probiotic food that may promote mental health and brain function. It reduces inflammation and increases the production of mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as serotonin.
Berries: Berries contain numerous antioxidants, which help us protect our cells from stress and anxiety which ease the feeling of depression.
Oranges: These citrus fruits helps us reduce anxiety and stress because of their fresh citrusy flavour which may boost serotonin level in the brain.
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